About Us

Our Commitment

From identifying opportunities to helping you write effective resumes and prepare for interviews, NCDS will help find the job that's right for you!

  • We will provide fast, friendly, professional, quality service.
  • We will listen and respond courteously to our clients and respect their wishes in a two-way relationship built upon trust.
  • There will be a staff member available to assist clients at all times during regular business hours.
  • Our goal is to answer the telephone by the 4th ring during regular business hours. If for some reason staff are unable to take your call, our voicemail is available 24 hours a day.
  • Telephone calls will be returned within 24 hours. If a message is left for someone who is away, another staff member will return the call.
  • When possible, Case Managers will see people immediately. Alternatively, an appointment at a mutually convenient time will be arranged.
  • Job orders from employers will be posted in the same day we receive them.


Meet our staff

Case Manager
What/Where was your first job:
Gas Station Attendant-Norlund Oil
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Hard work and a positive attitude.
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
Treat every experience as a learning experience.
Case Manager/Marketing Manager
What/Where was your first job:
Dairy Queen (International Falls)
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
Never pass up an opportunity to continue learning and never feel like there is a task below your position.
Youth Coordinator/Outreach/Workshop Facilitator & Canada Ontario Job Grant Lead
What/Where was your first job:
Paper Carrier
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Quiet Determination
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
"Use others negativity to empower you to accomplish what they think you cannot. Because everything was once impossible until someone did it."
Youth Coordinator/Workshop Facilitator/First Aid Instructor/Better Jobs Ontario Coordinator
What/Where was your first job:
Bagging sunflower seeds in a factory at Nutty Club Canada, Winnipeg.
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Getting a college diploma at the age of 42!
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
Respect your employer, be honest, work hard, and don't take your job for granted!
Job Developer/Case Manager
What/Where was your first job:
Canadian Tire Gas Bar - Jump to the pump gas attendant
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Military training
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
Do something you really enjoy. You spend too much time at work to hate it.
Data Integrity/Finance Clerk
What/Where was your first job:
Babysitting and cutting grass
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Time!! Being at the right place at the right time
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
Always be honest and try your best
Executive Assistant
What/Where was your first job:
Fort Frances Times - Paper Carrier
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Transferable Skills
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
Although you can't have everything you want today you can work hard to put yourself in a better position in the future
Executive Director
What/Where was your first job:
Babysitting and Safeway
Name one thing that you can attribute your success to:
Good ol hard work ethic, do the job well
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the working world?:
If college or university isn't an option choose an organization that has room for growth and grow, grow, grow.